Weephole Brick Vent High Performance Weepa Vent | A Pack of 25 Pieces
A weep hole maker is appropriate for masonry walls and creates a tidy and appealing weephole while promoting great cavity ventilation and guarding against vermin entry.
- Size: 75 mm (H) x 10 mm (W) x 105 mm (D)
- Body: Polypropylene
- Vermin Guard: PVC
- Mesh: SS316 Stainless Steel, Wire Aperture: 0.415 mm, Wire Diameter: 0.22 mm
- Bushfire Compliance: AS3959:2018 BAL-LOW, BAL-A12.5, BAL-A19 when used in masonry construction
Common Applications
- A weep hole former containing stainless steel mesh and fire resistant polymer, designed to protect your home during a bushfire.
- When used in masonry construction it is compliant with Bushfire Attack Levels of AS3959:2018 BAL-LOW, BAL-A12.5 and BAL-A19.
- Installed by the bricklayer during construction.
- Suitable for face brick or rendered brick and block.
- The red mortar protector is removed after installation, leaving a clean and beautiful finish.
- Ensures ventilation and drainage of the cavity to reduce fungal decay and mildew.
- Excludes a wide range of pests.
Weep holes acc to NCC:2019 Building Code of Australia Clause, in the form of High Performance Bushfire Weepa for Level BAL-LOW, BAL-A12.5, BAL-A19 construction in bushfire prone areas as defined in AS3959:2018, in perpends to external leaves of cavity walls in the course directly above damp proof courses, flashing and cavity fill, and at the bottom of infill cavity. Spacing: not to exceed 1200 mm.
Note: Closer spacing for better airflow and drier chambers should be considered in designs for damper regions and air-conditioned facilities.